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CNC Alumni Spotlight: Darío Herrera

CNC Alumni Spotlight: Darío Herrera

Welcome to our CNC Alumni Spotlight, where we celebrate the inspiring journeys of our past program participants. Today, we're thrilled to spotlight Darío Herrera, a former participant in the MRCA River Ambassadors program who has since embarked on a remarkable career path, combining his passion for community service with his love for the natural world. Connecting to the LA River Darío joined the MRCA River Ambassadors program in 2015-16, an experience that marked his first opportunity to form what would become a deep connection to the LA River. Despite growing up in the neighborhood, Darío faced the barrier of restricted access which inhibited his ability to connect to the River. The program created a space in which he could both enjoy  the River and participate in civic activities related to it. One of the highlights of Darío’s time with the River Ambassadors was being able to encourage and share a feeling of connectedness to the River with the community. Through the program, he and the other River Ambassadors planned events and coordinated community outings. This responsibility was both thrilling and eye-opening. “It was amazing to help people interact with Marsh Park and to see it as a space meant for community enjoyment,” Darío reflects. He experienced many firsts, including kayaking and camping, and gained valuable knowledge about nature. He appreciated being a part of a cohort of youth with varying levels of interest in the outdoors, learning and deepening their connections together. Darío’s Journey Following his time with the River Ambassadors, Darío secured a job with MRCA as an Interpretive Host at Franklin Canyon Park where he was able to share his passion for nature and provide information about local hikes, all while working independently. Darío's journey continued at Williams College in Massachusetts, where he further nurtured his affinity with the natural world. During college summers, he returned to LA for internships with community-based organizations, driven by a desire to serve and connect with others. His roles included working at a lending library in Boyle Heights called Libros Schmibros, a nonprofit preschool, and a tech startup focused on education access and equity. He also began to pursue an interest in oral histories, an area that intrigued him as a History major in college. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Darío volunteered at Mercadito, a local free produce distribution program, run by LA Más and that was where he met LA Más' Executive Director, Helen Leung. Their shared roots in Elysian Valley and her knowledge of his interests led her to encourage Darío to apply for an open position at another local non-profit Clockshop. Here Darío's background in history and community-focused work would come in handy for their new oral history project, Take Me to Your River. Community Voices In January 2023, Darío began his role as the Community Programs Manager at Clockshop. His main responsibility is leading the oral history project, " Take Me to Your River ," which spans three years and focuses on documenting the experiences of communities in Cypress Park, Glassell Park, Elysian Valley, and Atwater Village. This project aims to amplify the voices of community members experiencing the effects of gentrification and to preserve the cultural narratives that contribute to the richness of these neighborhoods. As Darío puts it “Displacement not only affects people physically but is also cultural. You lose the culture of community, not only because people take their physical beings away but also their stories.” Reflections & Advice Reflecting on his time with the River Ambassadors, Darío notes how it shaped his relationship with the outdoors and highlights the importance of access–how building a connection to smaller, more local green spaces can actually have the same benefit as traveling to more far-flung regional parks. His initial fears of outdoor experiences were overcome, fostering a lasting spirit of curiosity and adventure. Darío values the social skills and connections he developed through the River Ambassadors program. His advice to current CNC participants is to maintain relationships with mentors and peers, emphasizing that these connections can be crucial for future opportunities. “Your network is what’s going to help you land these jobs,” he advises. “Take advantage of your youth to soak up as much as you can.” Continuing Connections Darío shared that he appreciates the monthly emails and local alumni events through CNC’s Continuing Connections program and hopes for more opportunities that offer tangible takeaways and accessible activities. We’re incredibly grateful to Darío for sharing his journey with our community and we look forward to staying connected to witness the impact he continues to make in his community. His story drives our work in nurturing young leaders who are passionate about both nature and service through our programs. Keep an eye out for more spotlights on the alumni who make our community vibrant and resilient.

Experiencing the Magic of a Grunion Run with Continuing Connections

Experiencing the Magic of a Grunion Run with Continuing Connections

By Jenna Cobb Members of CNC’s Continuing Connections alumni & friends program at Cabrillo Marine Aquarium for the grunion run. On Sunday, June 23, members of Continuing Connections (CNC’s program for alumni and friends) traveled to Cabrillo Marine Aquarium in San Pedro to witness the grunion run. What is a “grunion run,” you might ask? California grunion are small, silver fish only found along the coast of Southern California and northern Baja California. They have the unique behavior of emerging completely from the sea to lay their eggs on the wet sand of the beach. This phenomenon is called a grunion run. Grunion runs happen all over Southern California between March and August and generally occur on the 2nd-5th nights following the night of the new or full moon when the tide is highest. Depending on the conditions, there may be up to thousands of grunion present on a beach during a grunion run. In California, it is legal to catch grunion during open season (March, July, and August). The little silver fish can be grilled, fried, and even made into fish sauce ! For people 16 years and older, a CA fishing license is required to harvest grunion. Grunion must be taken by hand only, and 30 fish can be harvested per day. However, even if you’re not interested in catching grunion or it is closed season, just observing the grunion run is a spectacular experience! According to CA Department of Fish & Wildlife, “Some of the beaches in Southern California that are known to have runs are: the beach between Morro Bay and Cayucos, Pismo Beach, Santa Barbara, Malibu, Santa Monica, Venice, Hermosa Beach, Cabrillo Beach, Long Beach, Belmont Shore, Seal Beach, Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, Corona del Mar, Doheny Beach, Del Mar, La Jolla, Mission Beach and the Coronado Strand. The beaches near Ensenada in Baja California also have good runs.” One of the best ways to find out which beaches have had recent runs is to call state or county beach lifeguards who can often share if spawning has taken place. You can also find the annual Expected Grunion Run Times  and tips on how not to scare off the grunion  on the Department of Fish & Wildlife’s website.  Grunion looking to mate during a grunion run. After the Continuing Connections program’s experience at Cabrillo Marine Aquarium’s “Meet the Grunion” event, we highly recommend observing a grunion run there. Not only did the aquarium staff guide our observations of the run, but we also visited the aquarium, watched a short educational film about grunion, and hatched grunion eggs while learning the grunion dance! The aquarium puts on multiple “Meet the Grunion” events  per year. Participants shared that the experience made them feel very “awed,” “spirit bound,” and “peaceful.” Grunion run season ends in August, so we highly recommend you experience the magic of a grunion run next month or next season! Sources

OH NO!!! Connecting a sewage spill, watersheds, and limited coastal access!

OH NO!!! Connecting a sewage spill, watersheds, and limited coastal access!

Between May 8th and 9th, an estimated 14,400 gallons of untreated sewage spilled into Ballona Creek and was carried out into the ocean, according to health officials. T he Los Angeles County Department of Public Health ordered a beach and ocean water closure for two miles of coastline south of Venice Beach to Dockweiler Beach. When I worked at Heal the Bay, we considered this a major spill---anything over 10,000 gallons. Ballona Creek is part of the of Ballona Watershed that encompasses an area that included Beverly Hills and Koreatown on the north, the 110 freeway on the east, Inglewood on the south, and everything in between. The outlet for this watershed basin---think of the drain at the end of a bathtub or bottom of a kitchen sink---is at the beach where Playa del Rey and Marina del Rey split. These days the watershed has been built over by the storm drain system, which is a human-made series of pipes, gutter, catch basins, and drains that mirrors nature's watershed and allows communities to drain after a rainstorm so that they don't flood. Sidenote here---besides moving water, creeks, streams, and rivers--all components of the watershed---also move sediment. The overall LA basin, which was bisected by a multitude of rivers and creeks draining the Santa Monica and San Gabriel Mountains, was such a fertile home for the Tongva communities. All Los Angeles communities are connected to the ocean through the storm drain system because every community is connected to a watershed. As such, anything that gets into the storm drain system often goes straight to the beach or ocean untreated. With LA being so built out, there are a lot of pollutants, trash, and waste that get into the system and end up at the beach. THE STORM DRAIN SYSTEM and the WASTEWATER SYSTEM ARE DIFFERENT!!!!!However, on occasion, the two intermingle...sometimes intentionally--like when we capture and divert low-runoff producing rainstorms to the wastewater treatment plant for treatment, which is a good thing. However, like the Ballona Creek spill demonstrates, there are unintentional interactions between the two systems that can have impacts to public and ecological health. When there is a sewage spill that leads to a beach closure, folxs need to stay out of the water and off the beach sand due to potential pathogenic--disease causing bacteria and viruses--material that can be present in the water at elevated levels. Depending upon the size of the spill, the beach area impacted and the duration of the are closed will vary. During these times, the public beach is not accessible---obviously for good reasons from a public health perspective. However, this pollution impact does not only impact ocean waters and thereby limit beach access or recreational opportunities. These sewage spills also happen within our local rivers and creeks----see Ballona Creek spill, which can impact a community's ability to access nature in more inland areas. Unfortunately, there have been spills in Los Angeles County waterways that have impacted recreational access to the Los Angeles River, the San Gabriel River, and Malibu Creek. People swim, wade, and connect with Los Angeles' waterways with the same passion as being at the ocean. It is important that we support and invest in infrastructure that enables these resources not to be impacted by pollution from either sewage spills or runoff. Pollution that impacts access to nature is another barrier that needs to be eliminated.

Statement on Club Q Shooting

Statement on Club Q Shooting

CNC extends our support and love to the LGBTQ community and stands in solidarity with you. The horrific attack on the LGBTQ community at Club Q in Colorado Springs the night before Transgender day of Remembrance is heartbreaking and angering.The combinatory effects of gun culture, cis-heteropatriarchy, racism and late stage capitalism perpetuate a cycle of violence towards oppressed groups as a means of maintaining racial, economic, speciesist, gender, ableist, religious, and sexual hierarchy of power. LGBTQ people deserve to live and thrive in peace, safety, joy and dignity, as well as indigenous, blacks, women, immigrants, differently abled, and every other demographic and species. As Audre Lorde notes in their book Sister Outsider, “the capitalist structure is a many-headed monster. [To this end,] This continued blindness between [groups] can only serve the oppressive system within which we live. And true, unless one lives and loves in the trenches [of oppressed groups] it is difficult to remember that the war against dehumanization is ceaseless.” Audre Lorde states in their piece There is no Hierarchy of Oppression “I have learned that oppression and the intolerance of difference come in all shapes and sexes and colors and sexualities; and that among those of us who share the goals of liberation and a workable future for our children, there can be no hierarchies of oppression. I cannot afford the luxury of fighting one form of oppression only. I cannot afford to believe that freedom from intolerance is the right of only one particular group. And I cannot afford to choose between the fronts upon which I must battle these forces of discrimination, wherever they appear to destroy me. And when they appear to destroy me, it will not be long before they appear to destroy you.” In this country, the anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and fear mongering perpetrated by political parties, right-wing media, and prominent political officials are upheld through historic and existing systems of white supremacy and cis-heteropatriarchy. This year alone there are more than 300 bills in state legislatures targeting LGBTQIA+ people for simply existing. Unfortunately the LGBTQ community is not alone in being targeted by these two systems. This pattern of rhetoric and fear mongering continues to be used and implemented to fuel anti-blackness, anti-indigeneity, anti-immigrant, anti-union, anti-women’s health, anti-asian, anti-species, and every other attack against minority demographics. At CNC, our role in the greater movement is to build pathways for equitable access to the outdoors, support the development of youth leadership, and work with all communities to ensure accessibility to nature. CNC seeks to align our role and ways of being with local movement builders and understand how we can be better allies to those organizations whose own work parallels our efforts around the fight for equity and a just transition in Los Angeles. Moving forward, an organizational goal of ours is to embrace our role in the solidarity movement for a just and equitable future. The liberation of our bodies, homes, and environment is directly tied to racial, gender, and socio-economic justice. As CNC starts along this arc, we will provide connections and resources to sister organization’s work on social, environmental, and economic issues. As such, please check-out these resource links and groups, and consider supporting them. Black Trans Advocacy Coalition | Black Trans Rights Are Human Rights Translatin@ Coalition TransLatin@ Coalition ( Queerquechua– Qween Jean– The Transgender District | San Francisco ( Los Angeles LGBT Center ( The Trevor Project | For Young LGBTQ Lives Trans Lifeline 877-565-8860 Support for the Club Q Families and Survivors -

Transit To Trails: 洛杉矶沿海通行指南, [中文 ]

Transit To Trails: 洛杉矶沿海通行指南, [中文 ]

在家工作时,我们透过一系列由三部分组成的多语言指南扩展服务。我们希望让更多人了解游览海岸、凸显我们在洛杉矶地区部分最喜欢的沿海景点,并与大家分享资源。我们旨在向社区成员简单介绍新主题,就如我们刚认识这些主题时一样。请注意,我们无法详细覆盖每个主题,这个也不是海岸相关主题和刊物的完整清单。这些指南用于教育和休闲目的。CNC 邀请您将来计划行程时使用这些指南。 我们很高兴能出版这些指南。目前正在翻译这些指南到西班牙文和中文并快将出版! 如对这些指南有任何疑问或反馈,请随时发电邮至marissa@communitynatureconnection.org联系Marissa Llanes。我们喜欢学习和重新学习,所以如果您有希望我们在之后的期号和修订中考虑的主题,请不要客气,通知我们。 我们期待在可以再次安全地重启亲身活动时于项目中见到您。 这些指南由 加州海岸委员会(California Coastal Commission)Whale Tail Grant赞助和支持。我们感谢他们一直致力支持开放海岸,并持续支持我们的项目。疫情期间,谢谢您保持耐心和灵活性,在这段风雨飘摇的日子与我们同在。 感谢我们的伙伴South East Asian Community Alliance与我们分享社区成员的语言需求。 清单上的互动指南按期号列出。请把游标放在照片上或点击照片以访问指南。您也可以下载文档。 Transit To Trails: 洛杉矶沿海通行指南, 第1卷•01期•2021年冬 Transit To Trails: 洛杉矶沿海通行指南, 第1卷•02期•2021年冬 Transit To Trails: 洛杉矶沿海通行指南, 第1卷•03期•2021年冬 我们鼓励您保持安全,并在县级法规中搜索有关在家定购,停业以及确保您和亲人安全的方法的最新信息。

Coches A Caminos: Guías de Acceso Costero a Los Ángeles

Coches A Caminos: Guías de Acceso Costero a Los Ángeles

Mientras seguimos trabajando desde casa, colaboramos para expandir nuestros esfuerzos a través de una serie de guías multilingües de tres partes. Queremos que más gente sepa acerca del acceso a la costa, destacar algunas de nuestras ubicaciones costeras favoritas del área de Los Ángeles y compartir recursos con todos ustedes. Nuestra meta es presentar de forma resumida ciertos temas que posiblemente sean desconocidos para los miembros de nuestra comunidad, tal como en un momento lo fueron para nosotros. Tenga en cuenta que no fue posible para nosotros proveer información detallada sobre todos los temas y que, asimismo, esta no es una lista definitiva de los temas que afectan a la costa. Estas guías se crearon con fines educativos y recreativos. CNC le anima a utilizar estas guías cuando esté planificando sus propias visitas en el futuro. Nos emociona ser capaces de publicar estas guías y en este momento las estamos traduciendo al español y al chino ¡y estarán disponibles muy pronto! Si tiene alguna duda o comentario sobre estas guías, póngase en contacto con Marissa Llanes escribiendo a Nos encanta aprender y desaprender , por lo tanto, si hay algún tema que quisiera que consideremos incluir en una edición o revisión futura, no sea tímido y envíenos sus comentarios. Esperamos que nos acompañe en uno de nuestros programas una vez que sea seguro reanudar los eventos en persona. Estas guías fueron financiadas y recibieron el apoyo de la Subvención Whale Tail de la Comisión Costera de California . Estamos agradecidos por su invariable compromiso con el acceso a la costa y el apoyo continuo a nuestros programas. Queremos agradecerle por su paciencia y flexibilidad durante la pandemia mientras atravesamos estos retos. Las guías se listan a continuación en orden de número de edición y son interactivas. Para acceder a la guía, pase el cursor o haga clic sobre la imagen. Asimismo, puede descargar el documento si desea hacerlo. ---- Queremos agradecerle a nuestro socios por compartir las necesidades lingüísticas de los miembros de su comunidad con nosotros. Coches A Caminos: Acceso Costero a Los Ángeles, Invierno 2021 • Número 1 • Volumen 1 Coches A Caminos: Acceso Costero a Los Ángeles, Invierno 2021 • Número 2 • Volumen 1 Coches A Caminos: Acceso Costero a Los Ángeles, Invierno 2021 • Número 3 • Volumen 1 Lo alentamos a mantenerse seguro y buscar las regulaciones a nivel del condado para obtener la información más reciente sobre quedarse en casa, cerrar negocios y formas de garantizar la seguridad de usted y sus seres queridos.

Transit To Trails L.A. Coastal Access Guides (English)

Transit To Trails L.A. Coastal Access Guides (English)

While we work from home, we have expanded our endeavors through a three part series of multilingual guides in English, Spanish, and Chinese. We want to spread awareness about coastal access, highlight some of our favorite coastal sites in the Los Angeles area, and share resources with you all. Our intention is to provide a brief introduction to topics that may be new to our community members as they were once new to us. Please note that we could not expand on every topic nor is this a definitive list of topics and issues along the coast. These guides were made for educational and recreational purposes. CNC invites you to use these guides as you plan your own visits in the future. If you have any questions or feedback pertaining to these guides, please feel free to reach out to Marissa Llanes at We love learning and unlearning , so if you have a topic you’d like for us to consider including in a future issue or revision, don’t be a stranger- drop us a line. We hope to see you at one of our programs when it is safe to resume in-person events again. These guides were funded and supported by the California Coastal Commission Whale Tail Grant. We are grateful for their everlong commitment to coastal access and ongoing support of our programs. Thank you for being patient and flexible with us during the pandemic as we navigate these turbulent waters. *This blog post along with the English guides were updated and shared for download on April 23, 2021.* The guides are listed below in order of issue number and are interactive. To access the guide hover or click on the image. You can also download the document if you wish. Transit to Trails L.A. Coastal Access Guide, Winter 2021 - Issue 01 - Volume 01 Download PDF: Transit to Trails L.A. Coastal Access Guide, Winter 2021 - Issue 01 - Volume 02 Download PDF: Transit to Trails L.A. Coastal Access Guide, Winter 2021 - Issue 01 - Volume 03 Download PDF: We encourage you to be safe and to search your county regulations for the latest information pertaining to stay-at-home orders, closures, and ways to keep you and your loved ones safe. Graphic created by the team at



ESPAÑOL ABAJO Leave No Trace As outdoor enthusiasts, we want to be able to connect to nature when we head outside, and doing so requires respecting natural habitats while visiting. To reduce negative impacts, we would like to suggest Leave No Trace Principles as well as promote ideas that improve our diverse experiences outdoors. Have you heard of “Leave No Trace” or “LNT”? LNT refers to a set of guidelines to follow that allow humans to engage with nature in a safe way. In no way are we shaming folx who haven’t heard about these principles, we’re all learners here and our goal is to raise awareness. By leaving minimal-to-no-trace of our presence on a trail or in a park, we allow the wilderness in that place to continue their balanced existence so others can enjoy it too. We support LNT principles as a way to protect and preserve natural and cultural resources, not as a system to oppress or exclude others. The 7 Principles by Plan ahead and prepare : Know where you’re going, what the weather will be like, what to pack, what to wear, what trails are accessible, how long it will take, elevation levels, necessary amounts of food and water...etc Walk and camp on durable ground : Stay on designated trails and camping areas. Walking off designated paths harms the land and camping outside of designated areas increases dangerous encounters with wildlife. When you must leave the trails, try to leave the least amount of impact as possible. Dispose of waste properly : Whatever you bring with you into nature, take out with you too (“pack out what you pack in”). Leaving items and trash behind causes pollution that harms animals and the natural life cycle in the wilderness. We suggest traveling with a “GO anywhere toilet kit” AKA a Wag Bag when possible. If you don’t have a waste bag but must release bodily fluids and waste, you can dig a hole away from trails, water sources, and campsites, bury your waste and take your tissue with you (you can also place this in a trash bag for travel). Don’t forget your hand sanitizer! Please keep in mind that each wilderness site has its own set of guidelines for what is permitted. Leave what you found : Avoid creating new structures of any kind (with sticks or rocks), avoid breaking off tree pieces, or carving on trees. Leave flowers, leaves, and other natural objects alone. Nature Journal what you see instead! 5. Minimize campfire impacts : Stoves are the least impactful way to cook. If you must have a fire, use existing fire rings, keep it low, and put it out completely with water using these same techniques from Smokey Bear . Important note: only buy firewood where you plan to burn it 6. Respect wildlife : Move slowly and quietly. Always observe animals from a distance. Do not scare animals or force them to flee. 7. Be considerate of other people : Greet others and be courteous of space and noise levels. If you take a dog, keep it on a leash (away from others) and clean up after it. Be anti-racist. Acknowledge Indigenous connections and history to the land you are on. If you can translate for others, use your power of language to make parks accessible to everyone! Questions for Parks’ Officials How are Leave No Trace principles communicated to park visitors?? How many trash cans exist on trails and inside parks? How often are trash cans taken out or replaced? Important Considerations: LNT and the policing that takes place around it: The Miseducation of Leave No Trace - Policing of Black and Brown Bodies in the Outdoors by Danielle Williams. Suggesting a new LNT framework that is a more collaborative, participatory, productive, democratic, and radical form of political action: Beyond Leave No Trace by Gregory Simon and Peter Alagona. Ética Al Aire Libre Para Sitios Naturales Como personas que disfrutan del aire libre, es importante que respetemos los hábitats naturales durante nuestra visita. Para reducir los impactos negativos en el medio ambiente, sugerimos los Siete Principios y promover ideas que ayuden a apoyar nuestras diversos experiencias al aire libre. ¿Han oído hablar de los " Siete Principios "?, que se refiere a los principios que permiten a todos comprometerse con la naturaleza de una manera segura y respetuosa. No estamos avergonzando a las personas que no han oído hablar de estos principios, todos estamos aprendiendo juntos y nuestro objetivo es crear conciencia. Dejando un rastro mínimo de nuestra presencia durante una caminata o en un parque, permitimos que la naturaleza continúe su existencia equilibrada para que otros puedan disfrutarla también. Siete Principios por
Ética Al Aire Libre Para Sitios Naturales “Prepárese antes de salir de casa” : Sepa a dónde va, cómo será el clima, qué empacar, qué usar, qué caminatas son accesibles, cuánto tiempo tomará, niveles de elevación, cantidades necesarias de comida y agua. “Camine por los senderos marcados y acampe por la noche de manera adecuada/Viaje y acampe sobre superficies durables” : Caminar fuera de los senderos designados o marcados daña la tierra y acampar fuera de las áreas designadas aumenta los encuentros peligrosos con la vida silvestre. “Deseche los residuos de forma adecuada/Tire su basura en un la basura o llévela de vuelta y recoja los excrementos” : Lo que traigas contigo a la naturaleza, llévalo contigo cuando te vayas. “Déjelo tal como lo encontró/Deje lo que encuentre” : Evite crear nuevas estructuras de cualquier tipo (con palos o rocas), evite romper piezas de árboles o tallar en árboles. Deje las flores, las hojas y otros objetos naturales solos. ¡ Diario de lo que ves en su lugar ! 5. “Minimice los impactos de las fogatas/Tenga mucho cuidado con el fuego y observe siempre las medidas preventivas contra incendios” : Las estufas son la forma menos impactante de cocinar. Si debe tener un incendio, utilice fogatas existentes construidas en el parque, manténgalo bajo y póngalo completamente con agua. 6. “Permita que los animales salvajes se mantengan salvajes/Respete la vida silvestre”: Nota importante: solo compre leña en el lugar donde la quemará. La mayoría de los lugares locales del campamiento venden leña que puede quemar. 7. “Sea considerado con otros visitantes/Comparta los senderos y cuide a su mascota”: Saluda a los demás y sé cortés con el espacio y los niveles de ruido. Si tomas un perro, mantenlo con correa (lejos de los demás) y límpielo después de él. Sé antirracista. Preguntas para los trabajadores en los parques: ¿Cómo se comunican los siete principios a los visitantes del parque? ¿Cuántos botes de basura existen sobre las caminatas y dentro de los parques y con qué frecuencia se reemplazan? Consideraciones Importantes: La vigilancia de la policía alrededor de los siete principios (en inglés): The Miseducation of Leave No Trace - Policing of Black and Brown Bodies in the Outdoors por Danielle Williams. Sugerir un nuevo marco en torno a los siete principios que sea una forma de acción política más colaborativa, participativa, productiva, democrática y radical (en inglés): Beyond Leave No Trace por Gregory Simon y Peter Alagona Until Next Time,

Accessing Nature in Los Angeles

Accessing Nature in Los Angeles

ESPANOL ABAJO Accessing Nature in Los Angeles Academic research supports what we have long known: that nature and green spaces benefit human health and wellbeing. We recognize that the ways in which we experience and enjoy nature are as diverse as our communities in Los Angeles. We envision a world in which all people have equitable access to nature, and will continue to advocate for representation and environmental justice. In the meantime, we encourage you to access all of the green spaces that Los Angeles has to offer, via bus, train, bike, car or by foot. Read more below about the benefits of accessing nature, how legislation is changing in favor of protecting our green spaces, and ways to get out in Los Angeles! Health benefits of nature: READ: Ecopsychology: How Immersion in Nature Benefits Your Health READ: Nature deficit disorder WATCH: Why doctors are increasingly prescribing nature Travel USE Moovit or LA Metro Transit to get outside and find nature spaces near you that are also accessible using public transportation. HIKE the LA Trails : Our friends at LA Nature for All have created a guide for how to get to 12 of LA’s most accessible and beautiful parks, using public transportation. RIDE to Santa Monica Beach via the LA Metro Expo Line STROLL through a MRCA park PLOT your route to Griffith Park : Old Zoo & Shane’s Inspiration (approx 30 mins): Have a picnic on the grass, or walk one of the many trails in this area. From Spring/Cesar E Chavez, catch the 96 bus towards Burbank Station for 25 stops, disembarking at “Griffith Park/Park Ranger Office”. Walk west up the hill toward the Merry Go Round, and follow the path uphill to the Old Zoo. Griffith Park Vermont Entrance (approx 35 mins): There are numerous options here, such as trails to Mt Hollywood, the Griffith Observatory or Amir’s Garden. From Union Station, catch the Red Metro B Line towards North Hollywood, and disembark at Vermont/Sunset Station. Just outside the station, catch the Los Feliz/Observatory DASH bus (the DASH is only 50 cents per ride). You can ride the DASH all the way to the Observatory, or get off outside the Greek Theatre and walk from there. Plan FOLLOW along on the trail with Alltrails TAKE a trip to the LA River FIND local LA parks Prepare READ Wild LA: Explore the Amazing Nature in and Around Los Angeles: This amazing resource has easy to understand information like “101 LA Species to Know”, and suggests 24 “field trips” to natural areas, gardens and parks. Many of the parks are easily-accessible and kid-friendly, and the guide suggests what to be on the lookout for in each space. DOWNLOAD Seek by iNaturalist : Unsure of what you’re seeing in nature? Upload a photo of a particular plant, animal, funghi, spider, insect or mollusk, and find out what you’re dealing with! You’re also helping scientists understand more about our ecosystem by adding data to their database. Good job! TELL a friend: If you’re going alone, or to a new area, let a friend or loved one know where you’re going, and when you’re expected to “check in” with them. You could also share your location via an app. WATCH our videos on IGTV to learn more about how to prepare for a hike. Inform & Protect Recent legislation protecting green spaces READ about the Great American Outdoors Act READ about Protecting California’s Public Lands WATCH the Advancing Park Equity in LA Panel LEARN about Leave No Trace Principles to keep our parks safe and clean TEACH your family about Leave No Trace Principles with these fun activities and prompts, for use at home or in the outdoors. There is Bigfoot’s Playbook available for purchase, but it’s not necessary to complete the activities. For nearly 30 years, through policy development, advocacy, and innovative programming, CNC has addressed barriers to accessing the outdoors for communities of color who have been impacted by systems of oppression. Amid COVID19 restrictions, we continue to commit our work to connecting communities to nature. Follow along on our social media or sign-up for our newsletter at Acceso a La Naturaleza en Los Ángeles La investigación académica apoya lo que hemos conocido desde hace mucho tiempo; que la naturaleza y los espacios verdes benefician la salud y el bienestar humanos. Reconocemos que las maneras en que experimentamos y disfrutamos de la naturaleza son tan diversas como nuestras comunidades en Los Ángeles. Nosotras trabajamos hacia un mundo en el que todas las personas tengan un acceso equitativo a la naturaleza. Mientras tanto, le animamos a acceder a todos los espacios verdes que Los Ángeles tiene para ofrecer, a través de autobús, tren, bicicleta, coche o a pie. Lea más abajo sobre los beneficios de acceder a la naturaleza, cómo la legislación está cambiando a favor de la protección de nuestros espacios verdes, y formas de salir en Los Ángeles! Beneficios para la salud de la naturaleza (en inglés pero puedes usar este enlace para traducir información escrita): Leer: Ecopsychology: How Immersion in Nature Benefits Your Health Leer: Nature deficit disorder Ver: Why doctors are increasingly prescribing nature Viajar Utilice Moovit o LA Metro Transit para salir y encontrar espacios naturales cerca de usted que también son accesibles utilizando el transporte público. Nuestros amigos en "LA Nature for All" han creado una guía para cómo llegar a 12 de los parques más accesibles y hermosos de Los Ángeles, utilizando el transporte público. ( en inglés ): HIKE the LA Trials Viaje a Santa Mónica (en inglés) desde la línea LA Metro Expo. Viaje a Griffith Park (en inglés) El antiguo zoológico y la inspiración de Shane (aproximadamente 30 minutos): haga un picnic en el césped o camine por uno de los muchos senderos de esta área. Desde Spring / Cesar E Chavez, tome el autobús 96 hacia la estación de Burbank durante 25 paradas y desembarque en la "Oficina Griffith Park / Park Ranger". Camina hacia el oeste por la colina hacia Merry Go Round y sigue el camino cuesta arriba hacia el viejo zoológico. Entrada a Griffith Park Vermont (aproximadamente 35 minutos): hay numerosas opciones aquí, como senderos hacia Mt Hollywood, el Observatorio Griffith o el Jardín de Amir. Desde Union Station, tome la línea roja del Metro B hacia North Hollywood y desembarque en Vermont / Sunset Station. Justo afuera de la estación, tome el autobús DASH de Los Feliz / Observatory (el DASH cuesta solo 50 centavos por viaje). Puede montar el DASH hasta el Observatorio, o bajarse del Teatro Griego y caminar desde allí. El Plan SIGUE por el camino con Alltrails (Dondequiera que esté, encuentre rápidamente la caminata, bicicleta, paseo, o pista perfecta corrida por longitud, clasificación, y nivel difícil.) TOMA un viaje al río de Los Ángeles (en inglés) ENCUENTRA parques locales de Los Ángeles (en inglés) Preparar Leer: (en inglés) WILD LA: Explora la increíble naturaleza en Los Ángeles y sus alrededores: Este increíble libro tiene información fácil de entender sobre áreas naturales, como jardines y parques. Muchos de los parques son de fácil acceso y para los niños también, y el libro también menciona la vida silvestre que puedes encontrar en estos espacios verdes. Descargar Seek por iNaturalist : ¿No estás seguro de lo que estás viendo en la naturaleza? ¡Sube una foto de una planta en particular, un animal, un funghi, una araña, un insecto o un molusco y averigua con qué te enfrentas! También está ayudando a los científicos a comprender mejor nuestro ecosistema añadiendo datos a su base de datos. ¡Buen trabajo! DILE a un amigo: Si vas solo, o a una nueva área, deja que un amigo o ser querido sepa a dónde vas y cuándo se espera que te "registres" con ellos. También puede compartir su ubicación a través de una aplicación. Vea nuestros videos sobre IGTV para obtener más información sobre cómo prepararse para una caminata. Informar y Proteger Legislación reciente que protege los espacios verdes (en inglés) LEA sobre “the Great American Outdoors Act (en inglés ) LEA sobre “Protecting California’s Public Lands” CONOZCA los 6 principios para mantener nuestros parques seguros y limpios Durante casi 30 años, a través del desarrollo de políticas, la promoción y la programación innovadora, CNC ha abordado las barreras para acceder al aire libre para las comunidades de color que han sido afectadas por los sistemas de opresión. En medio de las restricciones de COVID19, continuamos comprometiendo nuestro trabajo para conectar las comunidades con la naturaleza. Siga nuestras redes sociales o suscríbase a nuestro boletín en

Race & Environmental Justice

Race & Environmental Justice

We recognize that our mission towards outdoor equity is far from being realized when Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) are not concerned about merely accessing a public park or recreating in the outdoors, but rather if the environment is safe at all. When a member of the Black community cannot peacefully birdwatch in a public park, jog around their neighborhood, or feel comfortable in a national park we are reminded that we have a lot of work to do with partner agencies staffing parks to ensure the safety and humanity of BIPOC is protected when outdoors. We are reminded of the importance in partnering with the communities we serve in the fight for outdoor equity. Reconocemos que nuestra misión hacia la justicia social para el aire libre está lejos de realizarse cuando las Personas Negras, Indígenas y Personas de Color no están preocupados por el simple acceso a un parque público o la recreación al aire libre sino más bien si el medio ambiente es seguro. Cuando un miembro de la comunidad negra no puede observar pacíficamente aves en un parque público, correr alrededor de su vecindario, o sentirse cómodo en un parque nacional, se nos recuerda que tenemos mucho trabajo que hacer en asociación con las comunidades a las que servimos para garantizar que su seguridad y la humanidad esté protegida cuando está al aire libre. It is important to stay informed about how BIPOC communities are disproportionately impacted by environmental degradation and be able to connect the dots between race and the environment. It has become increasingly essential for outdoor and environmental organizations to understand the intersection of race and the environment and to highlight BIPOC issues and their representation outdoors. As a response to the long standing racial tensions in the United States, it is our responsibility to be more intentional; to celebrate, uplift, and amplify BIPOC experiences, history, knowledge, and presence in our natural environment.  Es importante estar informado sobre cómo las comunidades Negra, Indígena y Personas de Color son desproporcionadamente impactadas por la degradación ambiental y ser capaces de conectar los puntos entre la raza y el medio ambiente. Se ha vuelto cada vez más esencial para las organizaciones al aire libre y ambientales entender la intersección de la raza y el medio ambiente y destacar los problemas las Personas Negras, Indígenas y Personas de Color y su representación al aire libre. Como respuesta a las tensiones raciales de larga data en los Estados Unidos, es nuestra responsabilidad ser más intencionales; celebrar, elevar y ampliar las experiencias, la historia, el conocimiento y la presencia comunidades Negra, Indígena y Personas de Color en nuestro ambiente natural. (Graphic from ) ““We should recognize that systemic racism exists on both the streets of our cities and inside our national parks. We have to see full representation at every level in the environmental sector, and we need power structures to shift so that black and brown people are shaping policies and our national conversations. We need predominantly white environmental organizations and academic institutions to be more concerned with how the climate crisis disproportionately impacts black and brown people and give more resources to these communities.”” -Carolyn Finney (Read further: The Perils of Being Black in Public: We are All Christian Cooper and George Floyd ) “ “Debemos reconocer que el racismo sistémico existe tanto en las calles de nuestras ciudades como dentro de nuestros parques nacionales. Tenemos que ver una representación completa en todos los niveles en el sector ambiental, y necesitamos que las estructuras de poder cambien para que las personas negras y morenos estén dando forma a las políticas y nuestras conversaciones nacionales.”” (Graphic from ) Leah Thomas ( @greengirlleah ), Diandra Esparza (@diandramarizet) and Sabs Katz ( @sustainablesabs ) have created a platform for Intersectional Environmentalism . This page highlights history and provides useful information and tools to understand how different communities have been impacted by environmental racism: Black Community Latinx Community US Indigenous Community General Resources & Petitions Leah Thomas ( @greengirlleah ), Diandra Esparza (@diandramarizet) and Sabs Katz ( @sustainablesabs ) han creado una plataforma para Intersectional Environmentalism . Esta página destaca la historia y proporciona información para entender cómo diferentes comunidades se han visto afectadas por el racismo ambiental:  Comunidad Negra Comunidad Latinx  Comunidad Indígena de los Estados Unidos Recursos Generales & Peticiones Listen Green Dreamer Podcast EP 198 with Angelou Ezeilo ( @angelouezeilo ), Founder and CEO of Greening Youth Foundation ( @greeningyouth ), an organization that connects underrepresented youth and young adults to the outdoors and careers in conservation. Short Wave Podcast EP #BlackBirdersWeek Seeks To Make The Great Outdoors Open To All with co-founder Chelsea Connor who talks about how Black birders are changing the narrative around who gets to enjoy nature and the challenges Black birders face. She Explores Podcast EP 153 Embracing Intersectional Environmentalism with Leah Thomas and Kristy Drutman ( @browngirl_green )  The Yikes Podcast by Mikaela Loach ( @mikaelaloach ) and Jo Becker ( @treesnpeace ), tackles climate change, racism, human rights and how they intersect. Read Hands on the land, heart in community: Returning cultural fires by Deniss Martinez Racism is Killing the Planet by Hop Hopkins ( @hop1972 ) The Difference Between 'Food Swamp' and 'Food Desert' and Other Things You Should Know About Food Access by Kara Young ( @karaayoung ) Making it Easier to Breathe by Asiha A jani The Forgotten History Of 'Violent Displacement' That Helped Create The National Parks by Julian Brave NoiseCat ( @jnoisecat ) Read Up on the Links Between Racism and the Environment By Somini Sengupta Green2.0 Watch Tending the Wild by KCET: Traditional knowledge for custodianship of the land. Cancer Alley: Learn about how pollution disproportionately impacts Black communities, due to placement of plants and factories in and near Black neighborhoods. Why This Town Is Dying From Cancer | AJ+ Van Jones TedTalk about Environmental Justice After racist park encounter, Chris Cooper takes us birding in Central Park #BlackWomenWhoBird - Virtual Bird Watching at the Monterey Bay Aquarium DiversifyOutdoors “We can start by accepting that there is an insidious catalogue of systemic barriers that categorically excludes black people and most urban people of color and hinders access to outdoor recreation. This system/cycle creates an “inbred” outdoor pedigree - a family history, identity and network of friends and access points to the outdoors - that funnels white folks into outdoor recreation and ultimately into 85 percent of the environmental/ conservation jobs - coveted jobs that are desperately needed and virtually unknown in many urban communities of color. This cycle must be broken and not by the impotent and feckless approach of inviting “others'' to the table. The entire table needs to be demolished and rebuilt via a collaborative effort by those who have historically been absent and those who have traditionally sat at the table. What else can we do to break the cycle?” -Charles Thomas (Read further “Our Past is check out our Our Present and Our “Statements” Will Make it Our Future” ) For more information about organizations actively working to diversify the outdoors as well as more books to read, check out our Outdoor Equity blog below: Para obtener más información sobre las organizaciones que trabajan activamente para diversificar el aire libre, así como más libros para leer, echa un vistazo a nuestro blog de inclusividad al aire libre abajo: Onward,



ESPAÑOL ABAJO Video: 7,000 Kinds of Amphibians (Pre-K - 2nd Grade) This doesn’t explicitly cover adaptations, but can open the door to a conversation about how different species have evolved or adapted to their environment. You'll definitely feel the amphibian love after watching (and singing along with) this cute music video. Invent an Insect (3rd - 5th Grade) Have students study some insects of their own choosing, encouraging them to make inferences about what function some of their adaptations might serve. Then use the provided worksheet to have students invent their own insect. What adaptations does it have to survive? Animal & Plant Adaptations | Science Lesson For Kids (3rd - 5th Grade) Generation Genius has made their interactive NGSS-aligned lessons free until 08/31 (you’ll still need to create an account). These lessons include teacher materials, quizzes, videos, glossaries and discussion or writing prompts. Some of the lessons also include DIY activities for students to complete at home.  Skype a Ranger from Joshua Tree NP (3rd Grade - HS) Invite a Ranger into your virtual classroom to teach students about animal and plant adaptations in Joshua Tree National Park. Sessions need to be reserved in advance. PORTS (All ages) California State Parks have numerous sessions that address animal and plant adaptations. The live Zoom sessions can be joined (they release their topics about a week ahead) or you can see the previous sessions . Here are some examples of past sessions about adaptations on their youtube channel: - Tidepool Animal Adaptations at Crystal Cove State Beach (K-2) - Desert Animal Adaptations in Anza-Borrego Desert State Park (K-2) - All Ages Mac Kerricher State Park- MPA Monday Designer Ears: Biology & Perception Science Activity (K - 5th Grade) This activity has students consider how ears help us perceive information, and how the shape of ears can lead to a different sensory experience. Younger students will need help with the instructions of the task, but 3rd - 5th graders should be able to do the activity independently.  Eat Like a Bird (K - 5th Grade) A practical experiment activity that has students question how and why birds have beaks in different shapes. Younger students will need help understanding the instructions, and older students may need extra questions such as,  Using examples, what is an adaptation? Research a native bird. Explain why their beak is shaped the way it is. How do you think birds developed differently shaped beaks? Why do frogs say "ribbit"? (1st - 2nd Grade) Students question and create in this interactive lesson about the sounds that animals make. It includes videos, questions, interactive activities and crafts, as well as a transcript of the videos. Imagine Adaptation: Physical Characteristics of Birds (2nd - Middle School) Students who are independently reading can self-guide this lesson that encourages them to consider physical characteristics of native birds, and how they have evolved. The activity and learning can be done with multiple students if you have siblings that would like to work together, too. Aquarium Live: The Aquarium's Online Academy (Pre-K - High School) The Aquarium of the Pacific has daily live lessons aimed at different age brackets: Pre-K , K-2nd , 3rd-5th , 6th-8th , & 9th-12th . Students can tune in to learn about the animals, habitats, and their adaptations. The lessons are recorded and can be accessed after the session. Comer Como un Pájaro (Kinder - 5 ⁰ grado) Una práctica actividad de experimento que hace que los estudiantes se pregunten cómo y por qué las aves tienen picos en diferentes formas. Los estudiantes más jóvenes necesitarán ayuda para entender las instrucciones, y los estudiantes mayores pueden necesitar preguntas Utilizando ejemplos, ¿qué es una adaptación? Investigar un pájaro nativo. Explique por qué su pico tiene la forma en que está. ¿Cómo crees que las aves desarrollaron picos de forma diferente? Adaptaciones al Ambiente (3 ⁰ grado - Secundaria)  Muestre a sus estudiantes este video para que empiecen a conocer la diferencia en las adaptaciones de los animales en el agua y en la tierra. Curiosas Adaptaciones de Animales (5 ⁰ grado - Secundaria)  Muestre a sus estudiantes este video para continuar ampliando su conocimiento sobre adaptaciones de animales únicas con explicaciones más detalladas sobre por qué los animales tienen partes específicas del cuerpo. Hotel Para Bichos (3 ⁰ grado - Secundaria) Desde casa, puedes crear un "Hotel Para Bichos", elaborado por el Natural History Museum, hecho de materiales de reciclaje que invitarán a diferentes bichos. Preguntas que puedes hacer sobre las adaptaciones de los insectos que ves:  ¿De qué color es el insecto que ves?  ¿El insecto tiene camuflaje con el color de las plantas o la suciedad?  ¿Qué crees que comen? ¿Cuántas patas tiene? ¿tiene alas? Recoge Y Observa Bichos en Casa (5 ⁰ grado - Secundaria)  Desde casa, puedes aprende a crear un colector de insectos a hecho de materiales que puedes encontrar en casa, elaborado por el Natural History Museum. Preguntas que puedes hacer sobre las adaptaciones de los insectos que ves:  ¿De qué color es el insecto que ves?  ¿El insecto tiene camuflaje con el color de las plantas o la suciedad?  ¿Qué crees que comen? ¿Cuántas patas tiene? ¿tiene alas? #SAFERATHOME XOXO,



Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) in an outdoor setting Making the outdoors more accessible for everyone takes deliberate and intentional action. Many barriers exist that disproportionately impact historically marginalized communities from the benefits of experiencing nature. These barriers include physical barriers such as distance to a park or beach along with lack of transportation; ADA accessibility and; a lack of proper equipment to safely bike, climb, or camp. Barriers to accessing the outdoors also include more obscure ones like a lack of representation in park staff or visitorship and consequently a general feeling of not belonging, as well as a lack of familiarity with trails or access points. These barriers not only prevent low-income and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) communities and people with disabilities from experiencing the outdoors, they also prevent access to interpretive programs and workforce in the outdoors, continuing the cycle of a lack of representation.  Take a look at the work that’s being done in and around our communities to increase access to the benefits of nature for ALL and learn how you can get involved! The Avarna Group envisions a more resilient and connected world where all humans sustain healthy relationships with ourselves, one another, and our planet. We manifest this vision by creating pathways, providing resources, and innovating strategies that support the outdoor and environmental sector in their evolution toward justice, equity, diversity, inclusion (collectively, JEDI). Specifically, we provide this sector and its leaders with learning experiences, assessments, implementation planning, mentorship and coaching, intentional convenings, and resources. Learn more about our approach and values here . Jose Gonzalez presents Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion: Keywords & More BEETLES Project - Examining Equitable and Inclusive Work Environments in Environmental Education: Perspectives from the Field and Implications for Organizations - “By presenting these findings, we hope to increase the degree to which organization leaders and white-identifying staff can begin to gain a deeper understanding of the lived experiences of educators of color and can reconcile the ways in which they have been thinking about and operationalizing equity and inclusion in their organizations.” BEETLES Project - Intentional Hiring and Recruitment through the Lens of Equity and Inclusion: Insights and Lessons Learned from Crissy Field Center, Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy  - “This finding resonates with researchers who continue to challenge organizations to be reflective in their hiring practices and to always consider how their practices may be deterring potential applicants, marginalizing current staff of color, and reinforcing the status quo (Roberts & Chitewere, 2011; Beasley, 2016; Taylor, 2018).” This Is What Adventure Looks Like - Outside magazine interviews activists and athletes about their experiences as people of color leading a movement to make the outdoors more accessible to all people. Fun fact: Community Nature Connection is included in this article! Connecting Latino Communities with Nature in the Age of COVID-19 This webinar was presented by Corazón Latino , in partnership with the North American Association for Environmental Education . It’s a useful resource for learning about how programming needs to be adapted to be inclusive and welcoming. REI Presents: The Venture Out Project - This video highlights the work of Venture Out Project who aim to bring together LGBTQIA+ folks in the wilderness. They also offer Ally Resources and Ally Programs to educate and inform organizations. Creating and Supporting Culturally Relevant Organizational Change - Check out this webinar presented by Rena Payan of Youth Outside. Learn about the series and take away tips and tools to move your organization toward a commitment to equity, inclusion, and cultural relevancy. StoryBus Podcast: Episode 1 - Being Black Outdoors. The StoryBus podcast shares stories of inclusion and workplace equity that are shared to inspire inclusivity in the outdoors and in the workplaces of the active-outdoor industries.  Outside Voices Podcast is a podcast featuring personal stories from Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC), people with disabilities, LGBTQIA+ folks and others who redefine “outdoorsy”. We’re co-creating stories with outdoor enthusiasts, educators, storytellers, activists, social media influencers, artists and more. Outside Voices Podcast is driven by one simple idea: that the outdoors belongs to all of us. We all have a relationship to nature, whether through hiking, gardening, surfing, sacred ceremony or picnicking at the local park. We aim to celebrate and amplify those who don’t always see themselves reflected in the “Great Outdoors” narrative She Explores Podcast: Episode 16 - Towards A More Inclusive Outdoors & What We Can Do. In the second part of a series on diversity, equity, and inclusion in the outdoors, hosts talk with experts to provide practical steps for how organizations AND individuals can cultivate a more inclusive outdoor space. There are other episodes produced by this podcast that revolve around JEDI. Outdoor Afro has become the nation’s leading, cutting edge network that celebrates and inspires Black connections and leadership in nature. Read their most recent, “The Good Fight for our Humanity, Mother Earth and our Uni-verse” blog here . Latino Outdoors works to inspire, connect, and engage Latino communities in the outdoors and embrace cultura y familia as part of the outdoor narrative, ensuring our history, heritage, and leadership are valued and represented. They recently shared a collaborative guide highlighting the inequity of “whiteness in the outdoors”- you can find it on their instagram page here .  Brown Girls Climb is a small Women of Color owned and operated company with the mission to promote and increase visibility of diversity in climbing by establishing a community of climbers of color, encouraging leadership opportunities for self-identified women climbers of color, and by creating inclusive opportunities to climb and explore for underrepresented communities. PGM ONE envisions a world that centers, values, uplifts, and empowers those who are most impacted by environmental harm and climate change—and in particular black, indigenous, and people of color/of the global majority—to lead the way toward environmental justice and collective liberation. Get Out Stay Out/Vamos Afuera is a grassroots, Central Coast nonprofit, that invites Indigenous Migrant youth to run, play, and discover themselves in the natural environment.  LGBTQ Outdoor Summit takes place in the Fall. Their mission is to cultivate connections, build community and inspire leaders from across the outdoor industry and beyond to create more accessible and affirming ways for the LGBTQ community to get OUTside.  Engage, Connect , Protect: Empowering Diverse Youth as Environmental Leaders - Angelou Ezeilo The Adventure Gap: Changing the Face of the Outdoors - James Edward Mills Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants - Kimmerer, Robin Wall The Rise of the American Conservation Movement: Power, Privilege, and Environmental Protection - Dorceta Taylor Colors of Nature - Alison Hawthorne Deming and Lauret E. Savoy Black and Brown Faces of America’s Wild Places - Dudley Edmondson Latinx Environmentalisms: Place, Justice, and the Decolonial - Edited by Sarah D. Wald, David J. Vázquez, Priscilla Solis Ybarra, and Sarah Jaquette Ray Black Faces, White Spaces: Reimagining the Relationship of African Americans to the Great Outdoors - Carolyn Finney Mexican Americans & the Environment - Devon G Pena Awakening Together: The Spiritual Practice of Inclusivity and Community - Larry Yang Environmentalism & Economic Justice - Laura Pulido Chicano Culture, Ecology, Politics: Subversive Kin - Edited by Devon G. Peña Joyful Militancy: Building Thriving Resistance in Toxic Times - Carla Bergman and Nick Montgomery La otra historia de los estados unidos / A People's History of the United States: Desde 1492 Hasta Hoy / 1492 to Present (Spanish Edition) - Howard Zinn A People's History of the United States: Abridged Teaching Edition (New Press People's History) - Howard Zinn So You Want to Talk About Race - Ijeoma  Oluo Latino Urbanism: The Politics of Planning, Policy and Redevelopment - Diaz, David R. Legacy on the Land - Audrey Peterman Black Nature: Four Centuries of African American Nature Poetry - Camille T. Dungy Black on Earth: African American Ecoliterary Traditions - Kimberly Ruffin White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism - Robin DiAngelo Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?: And Other Conversations About Race - Beverly Daniel Tatum African American Environmental Thought: Foundations (American Political Thought) - Kimberly K. Smith The Colors of Nature: Culture, Identity, and the Natural World - Alison Hawthorne Deming  Rooted in the Earth: Reclaiming the African American Environmental Heritage - Dianne D. Glave #SAFERATHOME XOXO,

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